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Writer's pictureDan Garcia

Stop Negative Thoughts and Change Your Life

Do you ever find yourself mentally exhausted and stressed over the many things going on in the world and your life. Perhaps you need to stop the negative thoughts that are constantly racing in your head. By changing your mindset, you can change your life.

Stop the negative thinking, manage stress and improve your life by controlling both the words you say to yourself and the environments you spend time in.

By reducing stress, you can relax more and enjoy a happier life. I know about reducing stress. I played pro ball and baseball is a failure sport. The best .300 hitters 3/10, fail 70% of the time! I learned early in my life how to handle stress and failure. It helped me survive 7 years in the minors, for a cup of coffee in the big leagues. I would always have a plan and visualize good results regardless of what was happening around me. I would reframe all events to my benefit. I would find a positive reason for what I just experienced. "I made an out, but I hit the ball hard", "I just learned what not to do", "this gives me more time to..." whatever. It sounds 'Pollyanna' but it works.

It's known as Sub-Conscious Visualization SVT. Your subconscious can't distinguish real from imagined, and so you are constantly in a relaxed, positive, confident stae of mind. A relaxed, confident mind is a sharp mind. Psycho-soma, mind-body correlation.

You should already know about lowering stress by reducing or eliminating TV time, social media, and cable news channels. This is about the negative, and anxious thoughts that are constantly running through your head. Replace them with optimism, positive self-talk and visualization, reframe everything to your benefit.

It is a known fact that your body reflects your most dominant thoughts. Your Identity precedes your Behavior. There is a psychosomatic relationship, psyche-soma, mind-body relationship. Fears and worries raise your cortisol levels (your body's built in alarm system) which in turn raises anxiety, which leads to stress. Be a winner, I tell my personal development clients to eliminate all negative thinking, and negative visuals. You need to override any negative chatter in your head by reframing anything that happens to you as a benefit, or a learning experience. Positive visualizations and mantras such as, "I'll do better next time", "there's' nothing to fear", "I can handle this", "I'll be ok", "there's' no such thing as failure, its' just a learning experience", always help. As a mental performance coach, I work with individuals, by placing them in the proper mindset to conquer any performance anxiety they may be dealing with before any event. Repeat and believe positive mantras to yourself, internalize it. Learn deep breathing, and visualization exercises to put you in a positive state of mind, energized and better equipped to handle anything.

Surround yourself with positive people, in healthy environments, that will encourage you. Fuel your body with healthy meals. The gloom and doom crowd are going nowhere, and they're just looking for company. Successful people stay away from negativism, and pessimism. They don't accept it when it enters their minds. They refuse FOPO - Fear of Other People's Opinions. Positive mindsets, Optimism, intrinsic motivation, and a 'can do' spirit dominates their lives. We all have adversity, and difficult, sometimes scary situations to deal with, but adding to it with negative thoughts, just compounds the distress to the point you can't think straight. Which adds more anxiety and continues an endless negative thought loop. Being stuck in a negative thinking loop takes its toll on your mental and physical health. Eliminate all negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. See a successful accomplishment in your minds' eye. Keep repeating that visual, anytime a negative thought or doubt surfaces. Put yourself in a better position mentally to handle anything by living in acceptance, being self-aware, changing your thoughts, your attitude, your mindset. Your life.

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”

― Lao Tzu

In addition to reframing and positive self-talk, take these simple life Action steps

Visualization: Begin with the end in mind. Clearly see a positive result in your minds' eye

Take very deep breaths 4 seconds in, 7 seconds out and be grateful for what you have

Ask yourself "What if it works" What if what you're trying to accomplish works out!

Change your physiology, stand straight, square shoulders, chest open, make eye contact

Stop worrying about things you can't control or what others' think or say.

Have faith, trust yourself, and your instincts.

Be of service, help someone. Its' amazing how good you'll feel about yourself.

Don't play the victim card. Its' your life, its' your responsibility.

Surround yourself with stable, healthy, positive people, that encourage you

Don't try to change anyone, they need to be willing to change themselves from within,

Live in Acceptance, and stop trying to prove you're right.

Laugh, sing, and dance often. It just works !

You've got this -Swing for the Stars Danny Garcia

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